
Best Remote ID Authentication Practices

Best Remote ID Authentication Practices
Best Remote ID Authentication Practices
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The world has been shifting towards digital reliance for the last decade or so. In the wake of coronavirus pandemic and social distancing parameters, this trend has escalated. This is especially true for online shopping, purchasing, and online credit card/loan applications.

According to the UN report, the COVID-19 pandemic may lead to an increase in the number of cyber-attacks and frauds. According to the UN Security Council, there has been a 600% increase in malicious email attacks alone in recent months.

With this drastic shift in events, more and more online fraudsters are attempting to find ways to work around remote ID authentication practices. There has been an increase in remote applications and purchasing, which can provide a shield for cybercriminals to get through the less sophisticated authentication protocols.

Here are some of the top remote ID authentication measures.

Incorporate Multi-Factor Authentication Measures

Customer due diligence is a necessity when it comes to remote ID authentication. While this one may seem like a given, it is still important to incorporate several different clearance measures to stay ahead of cyber fraudsters.

More specifically, you should include multi-factor authentication procedures. For example, when you swipe your bank card at the ATM counter, it also asks you to enter your PIN. Similarly, when you log in to a new device, a code is sent to your phone, so you can enter it to authenticate your identity.

This can apply to a remote ID checking measure by incorporating multiple forms of identity verification, including live photo verification and scanning an ID’s barcode.

Remotely Scan ID Barcodes

Considering the fact that you aren’t checking IDs in person at the time of the transaction/application, your physical barriers that prevent fraudsters may be rendered ineffective. That said, you can still scan IDs to catch fake ones even in a remote environment.

Here is how you can scan IDs in a remote environment:

  • Step 1: Have your customer fill out your online application.
  • Step 2: Make them enter the information that should appear when they scan the ID.
  • Step 3: Have them upload a photo of their ID (front and back).
  • Step 4: Authenticate the ID with highly accurate solutions such as Intellicheck.

Integrate a Sophisticated Scanning Solution

Scanning an ID as an authentication method is only as effective as the solution you have in place to back it up. Therefore, you need a solution that has the highest accuracy possible. Intellicheck is the best in the market, offering expert remote ID authentication solutions for any industry. Some of the benefits of using Intellicheck ID authentication include:

  • 99% accuracy in ID Authentication
  • Reduce credit card frauds
  • Trusted ID checking solution of ID producers and government officials nationwide
  • Easy to use and simple to integrate into existing systems
  • Remotely authenticate IDs within seconds of upload

Utilize the Industry’s Leader in ID Authentication Services

As we shift more towards a remote society, we need to adapt to the most effective ways to protect our businesses and customers. Intellicheck is the most effective way to catch online fraudsters in real-time.

Intellicheck’s ID authentication solution easily integrates with your existing POS system, and no additional hardware is required. This makes it easier to process loan and credit card applications with complete confidence. You can even categorize IDs into different buckets including VIP, banned IDs, classified IDs, and authorize alerts upon a scan of any specific ID.

In a remote environment, Intellicheck can authenticate an ID in real-time to expedite a legitimate online application. Simply by uploading an image of the barcode, financial institutions can remotely authenticate IDs with the highest possible accuracy, just as effective as if they were touching the ID themself.