Use Cases/

Account Onboarding

Account takeover prevention keeps your financial institution and customers safe, and can be done with zero friction.

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The Solution

Meet compliance in seconds

Our all-in-one platform is all you need to verify identity and meet compliance, without sacrificing client experience. Intellicheck takes seconds to validate ID, match the ID to the person presenting it, and conduct risk scoring.

With an industry-leading accuracy rate, you can ensure your clients (and their accounts) are secure.

The need

Manual verification is costly

Know Your Customer (KYC) regulations require due diligence by financial institutions to verify the identities and risks of new clients.

But manually verifying client identity is, all too often, slow, expensive, and inaccurate. Not only can you can fail compliance and risk fraud—you can also risk losing clients.

Validate in a snap and watch
your conversions soar

Industry-leading counterfeit detection

We stop the majority of fraud by accurately detecting counterfeits -- all in the scan of the barcode.

Document validity decisioning

Through our database of hidden security features for every North American ID, our platform can assess the validity of an identification document with one scan.

Easy to view results

Intellicheck automatically creates shareable analytics reports, giving you insight on fraud and risk scoring, AML/KYC checks, criminal screening, biometrics, and more.

Ongoing compliance monitoring

Customize verification and KYC requirements to monitor fraud, prevent account takeovers, and pass compliance every single time.

Risk management

Conduct risk-scoring on individuals through 3rd party data that combs for criminal records, harmful internet activity, and more.

Significantly reduce false negatives and false positives

With a three-step process and a 99% accuracy rate, you can verify in seconds with peace of mind.

Common Account Onboarding Mode: Capture

Take full control & meet compliance every single time

Whether you need to verify your client online or in person, Capture is flexible enough to provide certainty and trust without extra hassle. Designed for wherever and however you do business.



1 platform, 4 modes

Fit us right into your workflow

The Intellicheck Identity Platform™ has multiple access options based on your verification needs. Only use what you want.



Mobile is as easy as it comes. Sign up for Intellicheck’s service, download our app in the app store, receive your credentials from our Customer Success team, and you’re ready to go. Validate IDs however and wherever you do business–sporting events, concerts, retail locations, auto dealerships and more.

Intellicheck works without hardware, making us as flexible as you need.


  • Identity verification
  • Facial liveness detection
  • Risk scoring
  • Reporting & analytics
  • Additional services, for all your regulatory needs



Portal is a no-integration tool to validate, however and wherever you do business. Simply log in on your computer, and begin verifying an ID. This mode is best for quick online or over-the-phone verification needs, like call centers, new online account applications, e-commerce or gaming.


  • Identity verification
  • Facial liveness detection
  • Risk scoring
  • Reporting & analytics
  • Additional services, for all your regulatory needs



Take full control of your customers’ identity experience with Direct. With as little as 2 API calls, you can be set up and running in less than 2 hours with ID validation that gives you guaranteed decisioning with every scan. This mode is best used for customers that prefer to have their customers’ experience white labeled and fully integrated into their system, who accept new credit or account applications, but prefer to capture all their customer’s data in their own environment and own the PII data compliance risks.


  • Fully integrated to your onboarding process
  • Capability to be white labeled so your customers never knew we were there


  • Identity verification
  • Facial liveness detection
  • Risk scoring
  • Reporting & analytics
  • Additional signals, for all your regulatory needs



Our latest installment to our robust ID verification environment, Capture makes the customer experience easier than ever. And we’ve made integration as easy as possible for you—once you receive the endpoint URL and API keys, you’re ready to get started!

Send your customer a quick text, and we do the rest of the work, while you sit back and wait for all the results. From retrieving your customer’s ID and facial liveness to returning detailed reporting on your customer, to ensuring PII data compliance, we handle all the heavy lifting.

This mode is best used by customers who don’t want to be bothered with PII data compliance regulations and certifications. In person or online, this experience is flexible to be used anywhere and in any situation.


  • Identity verification
  • Facial liveness detection
  • Risk scoring
  • Reporting & analytics
  • Additional signals, for all your regulatory needs


Seamless Closings Guaranteed!

"Intellicheck is proud to be the chosen partner for the Florida State Operations of a prominent National Underwriter in the real estate world. Intellicheck ensures a fraud-free and efficient closing experience without your clients ever knowing we were there. Join the ranks of those in the know. Trust the experts to safeguard your closing process, invisibly."

Unnamed title agency reference

Intellicheck solutions

Verify just about anywhere for just about anything

Intellicheck works in any space that needs identity validation. Here are a few industries who love and trust us.

Intelli-check it out

Validate your customers in less than a second and give them the best identity experience they never knew they had.

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