One platform. Multiple Access Options.
Fit us right into your workflow and validate anywhere.

Validate in less than a second and watch your conversions soar!
The majority of fraud is prevented by accurately identifying a real ID.
And for us, the magic touch is in the barcode—our software can read the barcode of any document in North America. Scan the barcode in less than a second, and keep the sale, line, or onboarding moving.
Our platform with four delivery modes allows you to apply Intellicheck however your business needs to. Only use (and pay for) what you need.
1 platform, 4 modes
Fit us right into your workflow
The Intellicheck Identity Platform™ has multiple access options based on your verification needs. Only use what you want.
Platform Modes
How do you verify?
Answer these 4 questions, and we’ll recommend the access option that best fits your business needs. It’s that easy.

Trending industries
Ready for any industry
Customer onboarding, account access, age verification, remote validation, point-of-sale, instant credit checks—we sweat the details so you don’t have to.
use cases