/White Paper

Future Strategies for Effective Identity Verification that Build, Not Break, Business

Identity verification is an increasingly complex and challenging issue for industries across all sectors, as the prevalence of and access to consumers’ personally identifiable information (PII) is readily available through public social profiles, public records, and data breaches.

Javelin Strategy & Research finds that consumers are increasingly aware of this paradigm shift, understanding that PII is not inextricable from their individual personas, as once thought.

This report reviews why and how successful identity verification now must rely more on frictionless options for authentication, which improve not only the detection of synthetic identities and attempts at establishing fraudulent new accounts but also the overall customer experience.

• How can advanced identity verification improve the customer experience?

• What role do “instant decisions” play in identity proofing?

• How can identity verification increasingly rely on existing data sources?

Meet the Author

Tracy Kitten

Director, Fraud & Security

Tracy Kitten is a recognized fraud and cybersecurity subject matter expert within the financial services community. A veteran journalist who covered fraud, payments, financial technology and cybersecurity for the last 20 years, Tracy has watched attacks and cyberthreats evolve, having spoken with countless industry experts, practitioners and sometimes even hackers to anticipate what’s coming next.

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